Captain Patriotism : The 4th homework

 Patriotism in homeland 

  In homeland we see that patriotism is something shared with most americans

The most obvious example of this would be when brody makes his speach on national Tv as we can look at the mise-en-sene of the TV. The fact that his arrival is being televised on what is probably national TV as this is a monumental event we can use Levi Struss' theory of binary opposites that the representation of one idea ,TV, in turn creates a representation of the opposite , the audience. Here the TV creates a representation of the american audience where they are tuned in to support this returning american war hero as it's the patriotic thing to do. This then represents patriotism as being a widly shared aspect of american society

In yellow as i don't think it's a good argument

In homeland patriotism is being totally committed to your country

We can see this through carrie's Character as she goes to extreme messures to ensure the safety of the country for example she illegally bugs the house of brody to spy on him. 
The use of diagetic sound in this scene gives us this idea. Right in the beginning the house alarm goes off. It's high pitched and fast which connotes danger, crime and pollice this immidiatly tells the audience what carrie is doing for her country is highly illegal which is motivated by a patriotic idea of protecting the country. 
as for a theory either Barthes and semiology- This the tells us about the ideology of patriotism that americans are willing to break the law for their country which then leads into the social and cultural context of american patriotism it being an integral part of most american society.

In homeland we get an extreme idea of patriotism in america

We can see this just before brody gives his speach uding the mise-en-sene. as brody walks through the crow endless camera are shoved in his face, everybody wants this story. This creates the impression that this news story is the most important thinf in the country and everyone is going to want to read and learn about it. Using Baurdrillard you can then argue that this relates to a hyperreal idea of patriotism as the idea that everything stops to support the country isn't actually real and just an american stereotype. 


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