course work 2: Judgement day



shot type
establishing shot, introduces the scene, shows things like setting,time of day,era, and more
wide shot, shows the relationship between the subject and the surroundings
long shot, when only the full body of the subject 
medium long, shows the subject from the hip up, gives the feeling of confrontation 
medium, a comfortable shot that, has a neutral feel to it 

Single,only 1 character is the main subject , can contain small amounts of other another character in it
two shot,2 characters are shown in the frame, shows their relationship in the frame

camera angle
low angle, down up,used to perceive a character as powerful 
high angle,does the reverse of the low,  used in tandem with a low angle to show the power difference
overhead, top down view
dutch/tilt agnle,used to show extreme emotion in a secne,could be terror,suspense bewilderment
eye level, can be used to make a connection with the viewer and the subject
hip level,
ground level, can be used to show character movement or deatails in a scene 
camera movment
static,it doesn't move,good for dialoge , or show  how someone is trapped
pan,moves left or right in a still motion,can move to follow a character or show
something intering a scene, can be fast or slow to add emphasis
push in,the camera phsicaly moves towards something, shows that this is important
can be used to add tention
pull out, can reveal aspects of a scene setting,characters, can also invoke feelings
of isolation
tracking,move with a subject

L/O: to reflect and evaluate the film making task

I needed to shoot and edit a western shoot-out.
I believe that the music was well synced,the filter worked well with the theme
to an extent suspense was created using methods like shot reverse shot.
However the shot reverse could of been done better as it feels chopy,the ending 'fin' isn't needed,
the continuity of the first couple scenes could be better,


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