black panther Homework

 How does black panther depict different racial representations?

In black panther black people  are represented as  being culturally smarter than white
people, we  can see this in the museum scene where the 'expert' is explaining the history
to the black man, he then corrects her and then talks about the crimes white colonists, this paints 
the woman/her (not her literally) and her history in a negative light which we can  then apply the theory of Levi Strauss, specifically binary opposites where one idea only exist because of another, here the bad look of white ancestors only exist due to the things that happened to black ancestors. This shows  the context of the production,  mainly being  black people, wanting show the crimes of the colonists take away their splendour

There’s something to write about the juxtaposition of the representation of black gang culture and black primitive culture but I can’t word it 

In black panther primitive black culture is presented as being proud and built on respect and while doing this presents gang culture as lacking these things.
We can see this in the film when the king talks the the spy
In this scene the king is made to look proud and ‘the good guy’ and due to binary opposites it makes the gangster and gang culture look bad


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