Homework the third: Far From School

 Explain how the Cultural context in how news is produced influences the content
offered to audience 

The cultural context of the production of news changes what is offered as these contexts have an impact of the ideologies that are hidden in the offered content. To show this i will be using 2 examples. The daily mail which is a tabloid marketed towards the working class and The Guardian a middle class broadsheet.

The daily mail is owned by DMG of which the majority shareholder is Lord Rothermere. He is a member of the ruling class (straight, rich, white, male) This means that any opinions that come from the daily mail are going to support ideologies that keep people like him in power so ideas like liberalism and socialism are not found in the mail., from this we can see that Curran and Seaton idea that ownership is important to how the media functions as Lord Rothermere's influence on the mail is a prime example.The Target audience of the daily mail is working class, working class people are more likely to seek private benefits from the media to distract themselves from life because of this the daily mail is influenced to put in more personal sensationalised stories ( Celebraties, gosip and soft news) rather then more serious journalism.Lastly the daily mail has a right wing agenda meaning that all stories published come from a right wing viewpoint. An example of this is in the Mail's coverage of the 2011 London riots, these riots where in protest of the unlawful shooting of Mark Duggan and on their front page the mail wrote 'THE ANARCHY SPREADS".

The Scott trust owns the Guardian which means that no one who invests in the Guardian can have influence over the content offered by the paper because of this The guardian is able to provide a diverse array of opinions to it's audience. The average guardian reader is middle class, educated and cultured. They come to the Guardian to also seek private benefits but not for a disratcion but to be educated on what's happening in the world because of this the Guardian is influenced to put real important news in their paper and not sensationalised stories an example of this is during the on going Israel Hamas conflict the Guardian's front page is exclusive to that story however the Mail's front cover shares the story with a quote from king Charles. 


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