Music Video Stuff to point out.

 Heaven-Emilie Sandwich

In heaven-Viewpoint-  Stars are no different from regular people 
We can see this in the Camerwork of the video as in video shots of sandwich and the other people are at eye level apart from some scenes.
This suggests that Emilie no different from a regular person for most of the video she is not staged as superior but as equal to other people despite being a star,
This gives the idea to an audience the Sande is a regular person and would make them relate and like her even more.
Theory- Gauntlet Identity theory. This idea May imprint of the audience and change a part of their identiy on how they see stars/people of fame, as people 

Heaven- Music video conveys ideology on religion in a specific sense
We can see Through Mise-en-scene
Emilie is wearing plain black outfit which is reminiscent of a priests outfit and a necklace which mimics that of a rosary. Using Barthes theory of semiology we can take this surface level idea ,She is almost dressed like a priest, and think deeper as they lack of any specific iconography of Christianity which suggests that she is a practitioner of faith in general and nothing specific
This alines with Sandes beliefs, while she was christian she her faith is now a nonspecific person idea of god.

Burn the Witch 

Music video incorporates a viewpoint on society using a re occurring motif. 
We can see this through the subtle use of sound at the beginning and end of the video as at these points the sound of a bird chirping is used. A birds chirping gives the idea of innocence and tenderness as birds as the audience know them are kind harmless creatures, 
However using barthes theory of semiology we can argue that there is a deeper meaning to the positioning of the bird song, and the fact we are frontlined with such an innocent beginning it tries to set the tone of the video and cover up all of the barbaric undertones throught the video.

We can then relate this to the political context at the time as there were many ill meaning politicions that were trying to harken back to a more traditional time with the slogan "make X great again" and glossing over a lot of the things that make those old times shit
The innocences of the bird in the beginning is a homage to this and when paired with the rest of the video then parodies the ideologies of these politicians

Put it all together
Music videos incorporates viewpoints and ideologies using sound. we can see this in the beginning of burn the witch as there is a bird singing outside of the lyrics. Bird song has an immediate connotation with innocense and tenderess as they are known for being kind creatures.Using Barthes theory of semiology we can take this basic idea of birds are innocent and look at the deeper meaning, the video it's self isn't innocent and contains hints to barbaric ideas like ritual sacrifice however the bird song in the beginning sets us up to expect something completely different from the video. This acts as a homage to certain right leaning politicians at the time as they also sold themselves at first as people who meant well with slogans like "make America great again" however when looking into what that meant their ideas were more sinister, the fact that the whole video is modled after a show called 'trump'ton points more references to these politicians. Knowing this the bird's singing becomes a parody and we start to see the views of the creators come through such as the anti-right wing politics.                                                                                   


  1. Great ideas! BTW is all good.

    Heaven - yes and no. I agree that there is definitely an element of showing Sande (or Sandwich) as the same as everybody else, but there is definitely an element of her star status shown in terms of camera shots, lighting & MES.


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