
The big issue is a magazine funded by the big issue foundation which is a social foundation, which acts to help impoverished people try and make a living and make something of themselves through selling the big issue and taking no commission seen by their slogan "a hand up not a hand down. Their unique ownership model leads to them having aspects of their cover be different from main stream, Proving the theory's from hesmonheighl and Curran & Seaton, We see this in the layout, The split masthead which acts to frame the image as the big issue; the cover lines being in small above masthead and the lack of any ads are all non typical of magazines and show their independence as a brand.


The whole video explores ideas of Hedonism vs religion and how these 2 ideas clash as we are inclined towards hedonism but religion tells us against this

We can see this in representations of women in the video, Our Star Sande is represented as very modest as she is dressed is long black robes which hold connotations of  priesthood and relgious practitioners which is juxtaposed with the shot of the women in the red dress who holds an idea of sex work. This creates a binary opposition of 2 ideas of women where one 

Representations of women are diverse is music videos, We see this in Heaven by emili sande where there are 2 ideas of women come from sande herself who is dressed in modest black robes which gives and idea of priesthood and modesty and another women who is dressed in a low cut red dress which comes with a connotation of sex work. These are bainary oppositions where one is a new age feminist idea of women where they can be modest smart and the opositonal older idea where women are sexualised. This is sande's first big music video so i think it suggests that she is trying to represent both and indlude 

Music videos use sterotypical representations to inclucde many people. We see this in heaven where certain groups of people are shown through stereotypes. For example The Mise-en-sene often uses old men who have long unkempt hair on the streets. This use of a sterotypical idea of a homeless man is used to show the audience that the artist (emilie sande) stands for all kinds of people no matter where their socail standing which would appeal to the audience as through stereotyping they can easily identify if they are being included. This makes sense as heaven was sande's first music video and big song so she would want to relate to and cultivate a large audience.

Music video use media language to show multiculteralism. We see this in heaven the mise-en-sene Includes a range of people 

How do music video's use representations 



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