extra analysis


The old spice ad uses media language to invoke feelings of surrealism. One way this is done is through the mise-en-sene, where in the ad there are many different things going on, for example there is a man fishing up a shark. This is makes the ad surreal as fishing  a shark is something so extreme and wild that you would only expect it in a cartoon. When the audience see something like this on an old spice ad they won't be drawn in by the fishing because they like fishing, they are drawn in because of how non-sensical it is. This then represents old spice as 'cool' as they will be known by there audience for the wild and outrageous branding,  which is quite un-common for men's grooming brands as most try to appeal to their audience by coming across as sophisticated and professional. Old spice not conforming to this makes them unique and will keep people coming. 

The old spice ad's layout is constructed to attract it's audience into the product. Most western country's read left to right because of this the very first thing your met with when you gaze apon the ad is Isaiah's eyes and because of this you are more likely to look at the rest of Isaiah then you are the text and interestingly the last thing you look at is the actual product. The affect this has on the audience is that they will see him and think want their boyfriend to be like him and want to buy them old spice, and guys will want to liike him and get old spice so try and do so. 


 Media language 


  1. This is great - can you copy and paste it onto your Media Lang & Rep page please.


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