
Showing posts from September, 2022

course work 2: Judgement day

 Lights,Camera,Action  Camerawork shot type establishing shot, introduces the scene, shows things like setting,time of day,era, and more wide shot, shows the relationship between the subject and the surroundings long shot, when only the full body of the subject  medium long, shows the subject from the hip up, gives the feeling of confrontation  medium, a comfortable shot that, has a neutral feel to it  framing Single,only 1 character is the main subject , can contain small amounts of other another character in it two shot,2 characters are shown in the frame, shows their relationship in the frame camera angle low angle, down up,used to perceive a character as powerful  high angle,does the reverse of the low,  used in tandem with a low angle to show the power difference overhead, top down view dutch/tilt agnle,used to show extreme emotion in a secne,could be terror,suspense bewilderment eye level, can be used to make a connection with the viewer and the subject hip level, ground level, c

course work : the first

9/9/22    A LeveL skills development      L/o: to research, plan and produce a product in response to a brief  What i need to make: an album cover and back -  a tour poster- idea: 4 "band members" 1 drenched 1 hair dryer 1 dirt 1 lighter a website home page  and a social media post: have 4 posts for the elements   water,fire,eath,air and by extension a band name = FUN-damentals an album name = elements Genre :indie/alt rock Genre Conventions: Alt rock style is can't be described as  it changes massively from artist to artist but they're  very surreal and make you think and interpret it in some way layout conventions:  Albums, it's comon for albums to show the band in a setting  that's just kinda stange e.g      ALBUM FRONT AND BACK Feedback:Stop trying to hard, simplicity can achieve a lot


  i am Naseem [redacted] Ullah, i enjoy the production aspect of media and bringing mine and other people's ideas to life. At the moment i am desperately trying to make a music video for a song me and my friend like but it's to fast and the scenes have to be at lightningh speeds