Media & rep

 4/11/22  Media language & rep  

L/O: to develop the language of media analysis

This is an album cover
the genre is pop, this is because of the high value production look it has which is synonymous with te pop genre  
the target audience are people who are out going
and adventurous, i can tell with from the range of bright colours.
the artist is represented the same, we can tell this from her clothes and how she is positioned. The name of the cover 'i.m not dead' makes her seem dangerous or in danger 

How the media through their forms, codes, conventions and techniques 
communicate meanings
Anything you may analyse in a text

The background of a text within a political, social & cultural scope

Denotation- The facts, what we see
Connotations- The idea that the text tells us in our opinion

In this image there is tattooed man holding a 
child, the man as a watch, earnings and necklace.
aside from them there is parental advisory sticker and the name royalty.

The image gives us a feeling of wealth, this is connoted by the accessories the man is wearing coupled with the serif front used for 'royalty' which the word and font make you think of a higher class.

The man holding the child connotes rap as family is held in high regards typically in rap.

In this image there is a pale woman who is half 
There is also a black and white text 'Born this way'

The text 'born this way' makes me think of punk rock as it would appeal to someone going through some sort of 'phase' 

Semiotics 8/11/22    

L/o: to understand the terminology and theory needed to
analyse music videos 

extreme close up
it emulates someone invading your personal space,
it's used in this sequence to convay that starling is uncomfortable in the presents
of the killer, 

For a second There is a high angle  dirty single on starling
This gives the feeling that lecter has intelectual superiority     

16/11/22  analysis  

The music video presents america as being in crisis or panic. This is can be seen when in the video there are people running in fear and police chasing them. this gives the appearance that america is in a crisis struggling to establish peace.

Guns in the video are shown as being more important than the people they kill, When in the video donald glover hands a gun to someone it's placed on a red cloth meanwhile the bodies aren't taken care of and the lack of care to the bodies makes the guns seem better or higher than the people, which creates the representation of america seeing guns as more important than people. This is true when looking at america as guns have more rights than children   

18/11/22  music video analysis 

  Match Cuts- when an image is transitioned to another image similar image in a another scene  

The genre is rock (specifically nu metal) we can tell this because the video has utilised 
a dark unsaturated colour pallet that makes it look gritty and realistic. The band is all dressed in black and white with little colour, this is sysnonomas with the metal genre.
The band linkin park is represented interestingly as you can gain many different interpretations from 
the video, looking at their clothing they are wearing black baggy clothing, one is wearing fingerless gloves and the main singer has a graphic shirt. This presents them outcasts or delinquents which clashes with their setting of a church which would normally make someone look religious or faithful but hear it makes them look like they are trespassing which furthers this idea of them being delinquents.
In the video you could argue that older people are represented as being unkind as the 2 older characters the teacher and the mum pay no mind to the protagonist, the teacher hits her with a ruler for sleeping and the mother goes on about her life when sitting with her. this represents older people as being self-absorbed and unkind.

The video represents school being harder for those who don't fit in. we can see this in the scene where the girl gets tripped over and no one goes to help her as all the people fly past. This shows that she stands out and because she doesn't fit in no one wants to help her. this makes school life seem hard and unforgiving 

Set Texts  
Heaven- Emeil
Burn the witch- radio head

Burn The Witch:
By radio head is an indie/alternative rock song released on the 3rd of may 2016.
In the video some sort of authority figure is shown around the town and as they are shown around there are references to the plague, witch trials and migrant workers.
The song is a criticism of the idea that we should return to traditional british values when actually those values were barbaric and treated others like nothing. It also criticism of small town british values of not trusting outsiders.

is a song by emeil sande and is classic soul/RnB
the video mainly consisits of Emeil singing  

Heaven Codes and conventions analysis:
Close up of the artist, range of angle shots (mid,low, high),

The editing matches the beat (always cuts to her when she starts speaking),
the colour grading is lights and vivid which matches the theme of the song being
heaven, there are special effects used to make it engaging (Lens flare)

There is a variety of locations( apartment, bus stop, stairs}
Her outfit resembles that of a priest in all black with a necklace
imitating a rosary, the colour is very bright these all relate to the theme being
natural lighting,
It shows her singing

30/11/22  Heaven   


Here rita ora has been represented as being hyper feminine, having done up hair, revealing clothes and a face of make up. The heavy use of pink reinforces this idea as pink is a stereotypical girls colour.
This presents her as someone who cares to much about her experience.
The direct gaze at the camera and her stance makes her appear confident.

Heaven context
The video was filed in London to try and catch a real British feeling and not to be more interesting than the lyrics. and directed by jake Nava who has worked for Alicia Keys, Kanye west, Beyonce and Nicki Minaj  
It was first shown on youtube 
Summarised heaven is about how hard it is to be good in todays age as their are many influences and
avenues lead to astray.

Binary oppositions in the video
Temptation vs salvation, Morality vs immorality

In heaven Emeil Sande is represented as being religious. There are many aspects of the video where we can attain this view one is the mise-en-sene as she is dressed in a long black cloak with necklace. These imitate the appearance of a priest which creates the idea that she is a religious practitioner.  

Sande is also shown to be curious about any faith she might have. This can be seen through the camera work used in the video, as there are lots of high angle shots used which normally are used to make someone seem superior here it shows you that she is looking up and almost frames her looking up at some higher power.  This presents her as someone lost looking up for answers.

Sande is represented as being a normal person like everyone else. This idea is created through the mise-un-sene where in one point in the video she is in a flower garden with pink and yellow flowers and in the bright of day and then in another scene she is at a bus stop: in the rain: at night and colours like yellow and green are present in the background. Applying Levi Strauss' theory of binary opposites- the representation of one idea create the representation of another- The flower scene is supposed to represent the good parts of her life and in turn the bus stop represents the bad parts. This creates the idea that Sande is a normal person like us. Thinking about context of the production, this was Sande's first song so they would want her to seem relatable to her audience so they connect with her and want to listen to more of her work. 


How has street life been represented in heaven

Street life in Heaven is represented as being rough and hard. We can see this when looking at the mise-en-sene of the video where the words "fear is your only god" have been drawn in dirt on a window. this creates the representation that street life is ruled by fear.  This representation has been created by the producers as a commentary of street life and how being in a lower class in our society puts you at a disadvantage.  Another example of this is The use of mise-en-sene to present some people as stereotypically homeless, This is done by making them look rough (un washed and drity) and showing them in streets trying to live. Their purpose in this production to emphasis the difficulty of street life for some.  

Street life is also shown to have it's ups and downs. The editing shows this when the video cuts from an image of 2 children playing then to a shadowy man under a bridge. This creates a binary opposition where the children represent innocence and doing good and the shadowy man has connotations of drug dealing and falling from innocences, which are the main messages of the song being trying to do good but falling into temptation.

Street life is 


L/O : To explore the use of media language & intertextuality in case study videos

Burn the Witch 

Its lead animator was Virpi Kettu.
IT's meaning is a criticism of traditional British values  and of the idea that Immigrants
were to blame for problems like lack of jobs.
It was released in 2016 which was falso when brexit was going on and a refuge crisis
It is a commentary of the growing fear created by right wing politicians of immigrants in european 
Virpi Kettu Kettu also said that the band wanted the video to raise awareness about Europe’s refugee crisis and the “blaming of different people… the blaming of Muslims and the negativity”

Rural life
Normality and tradition

The village meeting shows a close knit community typical of a rural town.
All follow the prejudice view of the leader(commonatry of right wing politicians)
painter covered in blood red beforehand shows that it's an ongoing issue
The children playing happily on the ducking stool shows the complacency we have in
this persecution
The Red Post office and the Pub with the adjective animal name show that it is a typical 
british village
All the people slaving away in the farm represents migrant workers who sit packed up and
do the same thing all day
The red crosses, the pagen ritual (swords and masks) and the ducking stool all represent old barbaric 
traditions that distrusted those who are different and are supposed to tell poeple that what they are ding now is no different 
9/12/22   Intertextually  

things that relate to burn the witch that i need to know about
Trumpton & camberwick green
The wicker man
News report of immigrant farm wokers
Nazi propoganda films

Trumpton & Camberwick Green 
These were childrens stop motion tv series that take place in the same cannon.
The mayor in the series shows resemblance to the mayor in the video.
The radio head video imitates the stop motion style of the video
they both celebrate this idea of the idilic rural community that radio head critices
The Wicker man
a 1973 horror film where police officer Neil howie goes to summerisle a small remote island to
investigate the disappearance of a small girl. this island has completely abandoned christianity for 
a form of paganism.
At the end of the film Neil is chosen for sacrifice as he came out of free will, Holds the power of a King(the law), is a virgin and a fool. and is forced into a wicker man statue and burned
The inspector parallels Neil as he is also someone in a position of power and an outsider  who is burned in a wicker man
the swords dance in radio head is similar to a ritual done in the wicker man

2015 migrant crisis 
in 2015 1 million Syrian refuges came to Europe seeking asylum, more than ever before
The Tomato workers are supposed to represent immigrant workers

It shows similarities to propaganda films as the people are told by the power figure that this outsider
is bad and shouldn't be trusted 

The video its self juxtaposes the happy rural idilic community of trumpton provides with references 
to the wicker man 

Burn the witch uses intertextuality to criticise traditional British ideas. It does this by using the stop motion animation style of trumpton which was a children's show

Music Videos   4/1/23  Ideologies 

   Hedonism: Human behaviour is determined by what will increase pleasure and decrease pain
   The pursuit of pleasure 

Ideologies in the video's

Heaven: Hedonism is a core ideology of heaven as the lyrics talk about doing things that
may take away any pain or stress in life in give pleasure but these things can also be seen as 
bad. i think that Hedonism is shown negatively as all the hedonistic pursuits are later regretted apon by Sande that suggests that hedonism is bad  

Feminism is in the video as the main star is Emile Sande and in the video she is represented 
as being angelic using low camera shots and editing that make her come off as angelic. 
It can be argued that is presents women morally stronger than men as in the video are turning to these 
'sinful acts' for example women is a red dress represents a sex worker with then connotes a man falling into temptation. 

Individualism takes place in the video Emile Sande is placed higher than everyone else in the video
which makes her seem better than other people.

Radio head: 
Internationalism is promoted as the video is critic of Nationalism and Xenophobia as the main
message is that Traditional nowadays values, are as barbaric the old traditional

Individualism is promoted as the inspector has individualism and is persecuted but the video 
criticises the community so the inspector is the good.

Globalisation is promoted through the parody of Nationalism

Authoritarianism is in the video as the video as the inspector doesn't fall in line
with everyone else and the leader has him removed. which matches what authoritarianism forcing uniformity and quelling those who may remove it 

Narratology of burn the witch

Equilibrium: small happy innocent town

Disruption and recognition: The innocent town has things like a nuse, ducking stool and reference  to
a pagen sacrifice which breaks the innocence of the town. the inspector see this as we do but does nothing. Maybe a reference to that society looks over actions that there are traditional ideas that hurt or offend people but we choose to look over

the new equilibrium: The inspector escapes and runs away, This could mean that radio head think that
this doesn't have to be the end and we can come back from these ideas.

Practice exam questions. 

1.In Heaven media language is used to present feminism and women as being morally strong.
We can see this in the mise-en-sene in the scene where Emeli is facing a man under a bridge as sande
is dressed in an all black dress with necklaces which gives the impression that she a religious figure alternatively the man is shadowed out being only a silhouette which makes him look shady or untrus worthy. Here we can apply levi struss' theory of binary oppositions and say that the untrustworthy look of the man when compared to Sande represents women as a whole as upstanding. Adding to this Sande walks away from the man which implies that women are less likely to fall into temptation. The man being further down the tunnel also suggest that he is further through the path of temptation  

Explain how and why your music video uses intertextuality effectively

Radiohead effectively uses intertextuality to convey a message to their audience. We can see this in the videos use of mise-en-sene as the whole video is stop-motion animated using clay. The style of which is made to look like the old kids show Trumpton ( and Camberwick Green), as the video progresses the childish feel of the video is subverted when the towns folk do things like a pagen sacrifice. The use of intertextuality here conveys as message to the audience that traditional British values have been subverted against specific people. This links into context of the time as when the video was released there were campaigns against migrants, as people in higher up positions where demonising them and hiding it behind being 'Traditional.

11/1/23  Advertising   

In this ad they have constructed the model to look like a gothic as her skin is pale, her nails black, and lips blood red. All of these element come together to give this gothic connotation and almost give her the look of a vampire. This goes with the theme of the product 'hypnotic poison' as poison and vampire's fit within the them of gothic horror.   


The purpose of advertising to to sell something
it is traditionally does through AIDA



In this ad they have used mise-en-sene to say that coke is one of the greatest drinks. They have done this by using a graphic that looks like elvis who is regarded to one of the best musicians of all time.This then creates the idea that coke's taste is as good as elvis' musical talent. 

In this ad they have used mise-en-sene to tell men that lynx will get you women. The main components that give this idea are the model and what he is holding. He is holding a counter usually used by bouncers at clubs to keep track of how many people are in the club. The model is supposed to look like jay from the inbetweeners
who is know in the show for being obsessed with women. Lynx's main demographic is teenage males who would have seen the inbetweeners who would recognise the likeness and make the connection the counter represents the women he has 'scored' and want to buy lynx

This ad is trying to tell you that you play a part in ending domestic violence. It does this by involving you in the problem using direct adress saying "together we can end" this makes it personal to you to try and make you more invested into the problem.

13/1/23  Representation  
L/O: to explore how representations are constructed in advertising  

When analysing representation in anything the easiest ones are


People can read and interpret representations in different ways due to people being different and having different experiences

Preferred reading: buy the product or agree with it's meaning

Negotiated reading:  realises the meaning but don't want product

Oppositional Reading: reject the message and not buy the product



2011 Old spice
Old spice had a ad campaign in 2010 that was transformative for the brand changing the TA to a much younger audience when compared to it's old audience.
this came as a follow up ad

Old spice is a mens grooming brand.
Before their re-brand they targeted older men and had a more sophisticated look, and then they went through their 2010 rebrand and targeted themselves to a younger audience using wild stimulating videos and ads.
Their old ads focussed on how people would see you if you used old spice     

Lucozade 2013

Part of the lucozade brand's 'i Believe' campaign which made 4 million pounds and set out to tell the people how good lucozade improves your sports performance.
The slogan used to be 'hydrates you better than water'


Shelter 2011
this ad is for the uk based housing and homeless charity shelter and was part of their home for everyone campaign
it's purpose was to inform people at risk of homelessness of their services and also to drive in donations  

20/1/23  Analysis of old spice  

The Ad is part of a follow up to the 2010 Smells like a man campaign, Which is promoting the old spice fresh collection.
The Print ad campaign is supposed to illustrate the paradise islands that the scents are inspired by.

1960s grooming ads
Grooming ads in the sixties consisted of either Big manly, hairy muscle men. Or women who can't resist the man wearing the fragrance
Old spice in particular, grooming ads focused on the idea of manliness in the form of physical fitness and extreme sports.

Before the old spice rebrand their brand image made them feel like an older ,higher class product. This is because the colours the use are very regal mainly consisting red,gold and white which when put together give off a vintage feel, like something your grand father would have. After the rebrand this is completely different as the colours are bright and vibrant consisting of blue, red green.  which Connotes adventure and something new and no longer makes it look like an old mans product.

The old old spice focussed heavily on ships, it's on their bottles and in the background of their ads. This might of been appealing to a younger audience earlier in the brands life but nowadays ship collecting is a hobby normally associated with older men. The new old spice ad doesn't have 1 focus. It has many different aspects to the point where its manic which appeals more to todays audience as it grabs the attention of people as they try to understand all the different things.

The text in the new old spice ad is a weird statement that has no clear message. It is their to reinforce the quirky nature of the their new brand identity. There is a clear difference when comparing this to old old spice as their message is saying that the gift of old spice is a kin to giving someone the gift of greatness. This message is clear and professional.

Overall the rebrand changed old spice from a distinguished old mans brand to a funny and memorably crazy brand that could appeal to a new audience.

In the old spice ad Isaiah Mustafa is represented as being the locus of commotion. We can see this by analysing the mise-en-sene of the ad as in it Isaiah is made to look like an island, on which quirky things are happening. A man is fishing a shark, a woman is sunbathing while falling and their is a volcano on his head. All of this makes Isaiah's life in this ad look wild and exiting. This in turn gives the idea that your life with old spice will be as wild and interesting as Isaiah the island.


Media language is used to represent old spice as being cool and refreshing. This is done through the use of colour as in the ad uses bright blues which connotes water and island oceans, green which connotes trees and nature and white connotes purity. This colour palette works to represent old spice as being a natural and fresh, the colours used would also appeal to the target audience of old spice as their main target audience is young adults who's attention would be drawn to the bright island themes colours.

In the ad their is a definite positive representation of african american people as Isaiah Mustafa is the centre of attention. This is seen through the mise-en-sene as his attractiveness is a main part of the ad and all of the other ads in the campaign he is in which is a positive representation of black people although a superficial one. at the time of the ad their were not many other black people featured in the branding of grooming ads, which then creates a inclusive representation of old spice. however without context of the campaigns prior someone could think that the use of a black man is only because of the location.

Women are represented very stereotypically as the only woman on the ad is sun bathing half naked, 

Thinking about locations like the Bahamas there is a connotation of luxury holidays in the summer which then makes old spice more appealing as if you wear old spice you are one of those people of luxury holidays
The ad takes traditional ideas of masulinity and blows them out of proportion which then ends up criticising those ideas and other grooming brand who uses them normally.

25/1/23  Masculinity  

The doesn't adhere to modern stereotypes as the ad takes the traditional representations of masculinity and blows them completely out of proportion to the point where it mocks them.
The target audience is women with male partners. 
3/2/23     Lucozade Analysis & context   

Lucozade in the 1950s was associated as being a medicinal beverage that could help you
when you are feeling ill, it's ads were targeted towards mothers to give it to there children 
when sick. In the 1970s the branding started to change as illness became less common with rising health standards so it was changed. It's purpose was now to give you back lost energy throughout the day. 
In the 1980s they used Daley Thompson as a brand icon which marked a changed in their branding.
In 1990 they released lucozade sport. 
In 2013 they had distanced themselves from the old connotations of illness and weakness to 'Faster,stronger and longer' And using words like electrolytes and isotonic to capture a sense of scientific legitimacy.


Mise en scene has been used in the ad to represent lucozade as being a top-tier sports drink. We can see this in the ad Gareth Bale ha been manipulated to look In-human and almost robotic, This is because his eyes have been edited to look bright blue which gives a cold unfeeling connotation to him.The lighting exentuates his cheekbones making him look even more perfect but this perfection looks unattainable which gives the idea of him being crafted. Alternatively he is noticeably sweating which takes away from the un-natural feeling and suggests he is so good that he is almost on the level of being un-human. In turn as he is representing Lucozade this representation is passed on to the brand and the product. Looking at social context, football is massive in the uk so a lot of this ads audience would know who Gareth Bale is so the ad would do well at grabbing the audiences attention. It also appeals to people who like to stay fit an active ,which at the time was a trending ideology in the uk.

The Copy used in the ad represents lucozade as legitimate and trustworthy brand. We can see this though their choice of type. the text is sans serif which comes across as professional as it wastes no time with fancy serifs. This no nonsense approach make the tagline "in a different league" feel serious like someone is telling you that this drink is nothing like it's competition much like the featured celebrity Gareth Bale . To back this up the phrase "scientifically proven" makes the product come across as something special and that it's been proven to be the best, despite not telling us what it's the best at. This use of persuasive language makes people believe that lucozade is the best product out there.

24/2/23    Shelter Ad

Conventions of charity ads: Direct address, close up shot of the disadvantaged person or thing, washed out colour pallets to make it feel real.

Charity adverts differ from regular commercial ads because they are not trying to wow you and provide you with a product but get you to either sympathise and donate to them and or inform people in specific situations of any advice or help they may be able to get.
Charity ads will tend to use imagery in a way that provokes an response emotional response. their colour palettes tend to be washed out to invoke realism.
If the ad is trying to draw in donations there will be lots of facts and emotive language to try and give people who might not understand an idea of the situation.

Cultural and social context

In 2011 the amount of homeless and rough sleepers were up 24% from 2010
in 2008 the uk had the greatest recession since ww2, this lead to the unemployment rate rising to 8.3 %
(2.68m people), during this a Credit crunch occurred which made it almost impossible for average people to get approved for a lone. the most common type of debt is mortgage debt but in the uk it is loan and credit card debt used to pay monthly expenses. 
41 % of low to middle earners rented their home


they layout forces you to look at these people and sympathise with them as the text is placed
over their faces so if you read the ad you have to stare at them in they eyes, it stops you from avoiding the them and their problems.
The ad is clearly focussed towards people in need as the message to donate in in small letters at the bottom,  which also is a good place as as people read down the page they see the message.
the faces staring at you is a form of direct adress 
The red on black colour scheme gives the ad a sense of urgency, this because of the connotations of red, danger but also eviction notices and last payment letters tend to be in red.  
the ads use a wide range of pronouns He,we and i which do well to relate to as many people as possible
which is important to do if you are trying to reach people

The ad represent the idea of being scared of your situation as being valid but also manageable we can see this by it's use of copy and typography. The ad has the problems that people face in big red letters "i can't face it", "but where will we live".  By showing these questions that people think they have to sort out themselves it show them that they are not alone in there situation. This in conjunction with the colour red, which has connotations of danger and panic, validates their fears. Then this is followed by an accompanying line of text that ads clarity to the problem."Debt can seem too big to face" this then tells the person reading that their situation is not out of hand and can be managed. Knowing this will encourage people to try and find this help.The Ad also shows men and women which tells people that many you that many others may also be in a tough situation

The ad uses many conventions of charity ads, It has direct address in the form of the copy as it uses "your" and "you". But it also has direct address in the form the people looking straight at you asking you for help.
The ad also uses extreme close-ups like most charity ads which forces you to look at them and doesn't let you look away.

the ad displays individualism in the form of everybody deserves a chance to live better even those who may not have as much as others.
the ad doesn't have stereotypes of a homeless person but the people are stereotypically normal which enforces the fact that anyone may find themselves potentially homeless.
It also puts a light on social inequality as even the fact that the ad exists shows that social inequality exists as these people are close to being without a home

3. Explain how media language conveys Values,Attitudes and beliefs about Homelessness

Media language in the shelter ad is used to show that homelessness and the fear of homelessness are experienced by many people and not just a small stereotyped group. We can see this by how they have used Mise-en-sene, all 3 of the ads in the campaign feature a person's face, they look like normal people and are clean and well groomed, which is the opposite of what a stereotypical homeless person looks like.Here we can apply Barthes' theory of semiology here by saying that the signs of the shelter ad clash with the 'normal looking people' and the impact on the audience is when they see one of these ads is that anyone could be struggling with homelessness and then the topic will be more discussed as it becomes more normalised in everyday society. Which can then lead to people being more inclined to getting help when they need it.

The use of media language in the Shelter ad normalises the fear of homelessness and tells people who may be suffering that their fears are valid. The use of lexis in tandem with Typography helps to convey this message as the main text in the ad are problems that many people face in hard situations. "where will we live" this relates to their audience as they will remember asking themselves the same thing, this text is also in big red letters which connotes danger but in this situation may remind people of eviction and last pay notices which will remind them about any fear they might of had or are still facing. Then in small white letters, which gives the idea of decompressing after the big problem of the big red letters. It tells the audience that there problem is real and valid for example "Debt can seem to hard to face but..."
The impact this had on the audience is that they are told not only is there problem real but can be solved which instills hope into the person.


17/3/23 The big issue  


The most common shot types used in magazines are close up and mid shots and occasionally wide shots at a 0 degree angle to you can get a proper look at whatever the main image is. Usually for magazines  the main image is of a person, either a celebrity or a someone who happens to be featured in the edition or it could be a model for something like a fashion magazine.

As for the composition and layout, magazines either go 1 of 2 ways, for magazines like thr rolling stone japan and vogue their covers are plain only featuring their main image and very little cover lines and let their photography status do all the rest. and for Magazines like Mojo and GQ they have many different articles, puffs and offers to try and attract you in 

Main stream magazine conventions: A big one is having a big known personality on the cover of the magazine, Bright colour pallets that consist of 3 colours that are dictated by the cover image, either many or no cover stories, 

24/3/23  The BIG issue

The big issue is a magazine and a SOCIAL ENTERPRISE ORGANISATION started by john bird in September 1991  that covers homelessness,poverty and inequality. It empowers homeless people and people in extreme poverty by selling them copies ay 50% of the cover price and letting them keep all the profit.
It's tagline is "hand up not hand down" and the big issue say that their readers are affluent and are environmentally, socially and ethically aware of the world. The age range of a Big issue reader is 18 to 49 and slightly more women read then men.
In reacent years due to covid the big issue have had to adapt,  going online, selling in some stores and launching an app.
In reaction to th cost of living crisis the price was raised to 4£ so vendors can afford it.

Looking at the covers we can ee that the big issue is very focused on currant issues that affect many different people.  

29/3/23  Cover Analysis  

The new Big issue cover's cover lines are on the top of the page in small writing which is nothing like traditional magazine codes and conventions where they are normally along the sides.
The masthead is split into 2 parts at the top and bottom which is also different from regular magazines. this poses what ever is shown on the cover as the big issue
The cover images are both Photographs that take up almost all the page which is similar to most magazines.
The main cover lines are in the middle and to the left of the pages which is typical of magazines
both have pull quotes
Colour pallet is decided by the main image, colours are either 2 or 3 both are typical of magazines 

 The Big issue have designed their cover's layout to encaptivate the reader in the topic. This is done by their un-conventional masthead which is split into 2 parts on the top and bottom. This Almost frames the image and the topic it represents as The big issue of the country and gets the reader interested. The masthead being in 2 parts forces you read whatever is in the middle of the page.                                                                                                                                                                          The Big issue had used media language to  present Morgan as proud. The colour pallet used achieves this, The blue connotates bravery and royalty which helps to send the message that she is not afraid to to be seen and embraces her visibility. This then creates intrigue in the reader to learn about her journey and also think differently about people who are in a similar situation. 


  The Big issue cover uses media language to suggest that the Country is in need of saving. We can This via the mise-en-sene of the queen as a big issue vendor. Stereotypically most big issue vendors are people who are disadvantaged and in poverty. The queen represents all of England so here we get a representation of England being in a low point and disadvantaged. This is all done in the style of Banksy who is a English Graffiti Artist Banksy, who is known for his profound artworks that puts light on to corrupt parts of society that shouldn't be allowed to exist, This could suggest that England as a whole is or is becoming more and more unstable or corrupt to the point where people like the queen could end up like a big issue vendor which a British audience would understand as at the time we had started an economic decline.                                                                                                                    



The text used suggests that the big issue vendors are providing are serving the country. This reading can be found in the copy as it reads "our vendors and the queen" this connects the 2 and the queen served her country till the day she died,                                                                                                                                                               The text also talks about Charles' "Bright green way ahead" the green gives reference to 'being green' or being economic which is a key part of Charles' beliefs, and people have talked about weather or not he will act on them. The use of the word bright shows the big issues left leaning ideology as it suggests that being green will lead to a better or "bright' future. 

The black used in the mast head connotes death but in a formal sense like a funeral or wake which suggests that this big issue cover is almost there way of morning. The big issue using this black masthead could also relate to how the BBC dawn black ties when a monarch dies.

   The Future of the Earth tagline would appeal to the big issues target audience as they are typically left leaning and environmentalism is a value held those who lean left.  



15- 25 MINS
30- 50 MINS

TARGET look at the stereotypes in heaven




    JAMES BOND ANALYSIS: see separate post

    MUSIC VIDEO ANALYSIS: Second one is much stronger
    WWW: Numb - detailed analysis of media language to create meaning
    EBI: Childish Gambino analysis was supported by textual details!

    SET TEXT RESEARCH: good start

    WWW: excellent - you clearly understand the themes and ideas behind the song/video

    WWW: good intertextuality notes but no analysis
    EBI: summarise your findings in this answer

    WWW: good analysis with supported examples, although brief
    EBI: TERMINOLOGY - use it to strengthen your analysis

    WWW: excellent use of the analysis techniques with great conclusions
    EBI: Terminology - MES, typography, imagery, colour palette etc

    WWW: another strong and detailed analysis
    EBI: can you add in the way they use science as a basis for the representations?

    Good additions and attention to detail.

    WWW: good use of terminology and analysis of the media language linked to the overall message
    EBI: try bringing in the ideologies to your overall analysis

    WWW: Shelter - good analysis and use of terminology and theory
    EBI: include the use of/subversion of conventions


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