The Daily mail is a tabloid news paper that primarily circulates in the UK. It's known for it right wing views and opinions. Which have gotten it into legal troubles


The daily mail is owned by the currant lord Rothermere through DMG media of which he is the primary shareholder. It has been in the rothermere family for generations starting in 1896 by the brother of the first rothermere. 
This Aristocracy means that for generations the mail has had the same ideals and opinions. It also means that any news that comes from the mail will be influenced by Rothermere and won't challenge anything about our society as it works for him.
This is an important piece of context that can be used across all 4 types. 

DMG also owns 2 other news papers the metro and the i meaning that there are less unique opinions on the media.  This is a good example of curran and seatons 2 point


The daily mail's main source of funding comes from sales and advertisements. The mail has arounds 25% of the print market share. Averaging a circulation figure of 700,000 per month with a -2 month on month change. 
A coloured ad colom in the Mail costs 181£. This could be much more depending on where the ad is.

The daily mail is still thriving despite the decreasing demand for papers and the higher cost of printing.  To offset their losses they have had to close down a printing facility, raise the price of a copy from 60p to 70 and increase their online presense to tap into a new market. 


An important piece of context is that the mail's goal isn't to inform it's to make money and to show this talk about how Curran and seaton found in 1927-1937 the mail halved the ammount of hard news found in each issue. why? Because sensationalism and soft news sells more at the expense of the reader learning more about the world.
An example for you

Here is a paper issued during the currant Israeli hamas conflict. Now much like a scetchy coke dealer the mail has cut the serious stuff with some random shit about the royals as to attract the reader because it's more interesting to a working class audience. 

We can also use this cover as an example of the Mail over sensationalising their news stories. If we look at the story on israel "Israeli President blasts atrocious BBC over hamas" Now just reading this it can be easy to be mis led into thinking that BBC supports hamas as we aren't told what the bbc did in relation to Hamas. They have spouted a bold claim but explained nothing. 

Owned by lord Rothermere for generations. This means that it is unlikly for any opinions that would go against the ruling class


The daily mail reports it's stories with a right wing view point. This means that anything that reaches the audience is bais
Here is an example
Here we have a cover from 2011 about the 2011 riots. People were outraged over the killing of the innocent mark Duggan.
While papers like the guardian reported this as thr battle for London we can see here that the mail took another stand.

People rising up and protesting goes against right wing ideals so the Mail took a negative stance writing the headline
"the anarchy spreads"


59% of the Mail's readership comprises of women- potentially why they have so much sensationalised news 

They have an average age of 59- almost retiring age

62% ABC1 with the majority being in c1 so lower middle class

A large majority live in the South East of england

An average savings of 39,000

The MailOnline

The mailOnlines reader ship Can be identifiyed By the Following demographics
73 % of their readership is 35 and over with 26 % being 15-25 
and most of their audience come from the ABC1 demographics

DMGT say that this succes has come from their consistant use of core principles
which means they have created addictive and timely content that uses collected data and analytics to create more appealing content and prioritising engagement


Layout- They placed a video here as it is visuallu appealling to an audience

own 25@ of market share and reach 70% of uk population 


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