
Showing posts from October, 2022

black panther Homework

 How does black panther depict different racial representations? In black panther black people  are represented as  being culturally smarter than white people, we  can see this in the museum scene where the 'expert' is explaining the history to the black man, he then corrects her and then talks about the crimes white colonists, this paints  the woman/her (not her literally) and her history in a negative light which we can  then apply the theory of Levi Strauss, specifically binary opposites where one idea only exist because of another, here the bad look of white ancestors only exist due to the things that happened to black ancestors. This shows  the context of the production,  mainly being  black people, wanting show the crimes of the colonists take away their splendour There’s something to write about the juxtaposition of the representation of black gang culture and black primitive culture but I can’t word it  In black panther primitive black culture is presented as being prou

Shot analysis Homework

I have chosen to analyse angles and demons Clip 1 This scene has used a high angle extreme wide shot, It makes our protagonists seem small and insignificant compared to the pantheon and the history it holds.  0:34 to 0:45 has a mid range fuzzy single, into a two shot, back into a fuzzy single all while revolving around the room. This shows the un ease and suspicion of our protagonists and we can tell that they are desperately trying to find their culprit Clip 2 This scene is a group shot but also simultaneously a single of Robbert. I think this scene shows his panic as it’s claustrophobic and shows all the people that will die if he fails  This scene uses a high angle shot which usually are used to show someone as being powerless and here it almost does. It frames the failure of our protagonists  This fuzzy single shot gives us an idea on what we have been wanting to know the whole film, who did it? We don’t know if he did it w