

The big issue is a magazine funded by the big issue foundation which is a social foundation, which acts to help impoverished people try and make a living and make something of themselves through selling the big issue and taking no commission seen by their slogan "a hand up not a hand down. Their unique ownership model leads to them having aspects of their cover be different from main stream, Proving the theory's from hesmonheighl and Curran & Seaton, We see this in the layout, The split masthead which acts to frame the image as the big issue; the cover lines being in small above masthead and the lack of any ads are all non typical of magazines and show their independence as a brand. Heaven The whole video explores ideas of Hedonism vs religion and how these 2 ideas clash as we are inclined towards hedonism but religion tells us against this We can see this in representations of women in the video, Our Star Sande is represented as very modest as she is dressed is long black

Music Video Stuff to point out.

  Heaven-Emilie Sandwich In heaven-Viewpoint-  Stars are no different from regular people  We can see this in the Camerwork of the video as in video shots of sandwich and the other people are at eye level apart from some scenes. This suggests that Emilie no different from a regular person for most of the video she is not staged as superior but as equal to other people despite being a star, This gives the idea to an audience the Sande is a regular person and would make them relate and like her even more. Theory- Gauntlet Identity theory. This idea May imprint of the audience and change a part of their identiy on how they see stars/people of fame, as people  Heaven- Music video conveys ideology on religion in a specific sense We can see Through Mise-en-scene Emilie is wearing plain black outfit which is reminiscent of a priests outfit and a necklace which mimics that of a rosary. Using Barthes theory of semiology we can take this surface level idea ,She is almost dressed like a priest, a

mental illnes

 We see the Main representation of mental illness through Carrie The first is the idea that people with mental illness are crazy/deranged This can be seen in a couple of scenes first is the changing scene after she is found out. the way that Another is that people with Mental issues are spectacular and have super abilities We can see this through the editing in the scene where carrie finds out the code. When carrie is foucusing on brody on the TV the camera cuts to foucus on the instraments and brody and zooms in on carrie. this gives the idea that she has a super human ability to focus and cross reference ideas to come to a conclusion.This represents her mental difference as giving her super abilities.  Halls stereotpye theroy. A common stereotype of People with mental issues, There to possible empower people with mental issues or set impossible examples    

My name is homework.

 Ethnicity in homeland The obvious representation is the comparison of westerners from the east. Where can we see this? in the editing. when Carrie is in Bagdad there are constant cuts between a party in Washington and the outpost in Bagdad. The party is exuberant with colour and music and david is in fancy clothing meanwhile in bagdad we see prison guards setting up an execution in a barbed wire prison.  creates a representation where the US is a sophisticated society that party and enjoy life whereas Places like bagdad are brutal and savage who kill anyone who trangress againts them. Levi struss We can relate this to the context of the time as homeland was released 3 Years after the 9/11 attack which was conducted by  a islamic extremists group. At the time public opinions of Muslims was horrific and many people hated muslims. This representation has been included to appeal to the ideals of the audience at the time.   NEXT is David Daivd the one of 2 black characters that are importa

Captain Patriotism : The 4th homework

 Patriotism in homeland     In homeland we see that patriotism is something shared with most americans The most obvious example of this would be when brody makes his speach on national Tv as we can look at the mise-en-sene of the TV. The fact that his arrival is being televised on what is probably national TV as this is a monumental event we can use Levi Struss' theory of binary opposites that the representation of one idea ,TV, in turn creates a representation of the opposite , the audience. Here the TV creates a representation of the american audience where they are tuned in to support this returning american war hero as it's the patriotic thing to do. This then represents patriotism as being a widly shared aspect of american society In yellow as i don't think it's a good argument In homeland patriotism is being totally committed to your country We can see this through carrie's Character as she goes to extreme messures to ensure the safety of the country for exam

Homework the third: Far From School

 Explain how the Cultural context in how news is produced influences the content offered to audience  The cultural context of the production of news changes what is offered as these contexts have an impact of the ideologies that are hidden in the offered content. To show this i will be using 2 examples. The daily mail which is a tabloid marketed towards the working class and The Guardian a middle class broadsheet. The daily mail is owned by DMG of which the majority shareholder is Lord Rothermere. He is a member of the ruling class (straight, rich, white, male) This means that any opinions that come from the daily mail are going to support ideologies that keep people like him in power so ideas like liberalism and socialism are not found in the mail., from this we can see that Curran and Seaton idea that ownership is important to how the media functions as Lord Rothermere's influence on the mail is a prime example.The Target audience of the daily mail is working class, working class

HomeWork 2: Political bias

  This a front page of a guardian paper. we can see the political bias in the head line that talks about the state of prisons in the uk. This is a politicaly left wing bias as thinking about others and their living conditions is a left wing view whereas the right thinks about one's self and how help yourself. Here we can see an obvious example of political bias in the headline in that it talks about rishi "sparing" families from ruinous cost's. The use of the word spare gives the connotation of Sunnak being a hero to the people who is coming in and saving them of their bills however this opinion is bias to the right wing way of thinking.